Independent Study Program

Applications are closed for the 24-25 first semester. Applications will reopen before the end of the semester for the second semester.

Things To Know:

  • Independent study is an alternative educational option for students.

  • Before enrolling in our independent study program a student-parent-educator conference may be requested.

  • Students have the opportunity  for synchronous instruction & live interaction with their supervising teacher.

    • Synchronous instruction: Small group or one-on-one instruction. Delivered in-person or in the form of internet or telephonic communication & involving live two-way communication between the supervising teacher and pupil.

    • Live interaction: Interaction between the pupil & LEA classified or certificated staff. Provided for the purpose of maintaining school connectedness, including, but not limited to, wellness checks, progress monitoring, provision of services, & instruction. This interaction may take place in person, or in the form of internet or telephonic communication.

      • Grades TK-3rd have the opportunity  for daily synchronous instruction.

      • Grades 4th-8th have the opportunity  for daily live interaction & weekly synchronous instruction.

  • A student who is eligible for participation in the program may:

    • Complete a full program of courses.

    • Complete a blended program (on campus courses & I.S. courses / 4 courses minimum in either).

    • Complete an extra or special course outside of the regular school day.

  • Students participating in Independent Study have the same opportunities as all other students (for example: sports, extra curricular activities, clubs, field trips, etc.).

  • Our Independent Study program is an award winning online program: K12 & Edgenuity

    • K-5th grade = K12 - offline exploration (manipulatives & textbooks sent home) & online learning!

    • 6th-8th grade = Edgenuity

  • A student with an IEP shall not participate in independent study unless his/her IEP specifically provides for such participation.

  • A student's participation in independent study shall be voluntary.

  • Student must demonstrate the motivation, commitment, organizational skills, and academic skills necessary to work independently. 

    • For an elementary student, the Superintendent or designee may consider the parent/guardian’s level of commitment to assist the student. Parents must have or be willing to learn basic computer skills. 

    • For grades 6th-8th grade students must have or be willing to learn computer skills.

  • A student that is not showing progress or success in the program, will go through the tiered reengagement process. Placement  out of Independent Study and back into on campus learning may occur.

  • School laptops are provided!

Enrollment Process:

  1. Complete the Online Application (Please note applications are closed for the first semester)

  2. Supervising teacher will schedule a student-parent-educator conference, including all assisting persons. 

    1. Depending on the circumstances, this meeting can be held through video conference, by phone or in person.

  3. Conference will include:

    1. Educational options, curriculum offerings, non academic supports, & program expectations.

    2. Completion of all elements of the Independent Study Written Agreement will take place in this meeting, if family chooses to enroll. The Written Agreement may be signed electronically.

Upon completion of the Independent Study Written Agreement, the supervising teacher will notify the school registrar of the student's change of placement.

Application Submission Dates: 

For students who plan to enroll in independent study for more than 15 consecutive school days.

  • Fall semester: Applications will only be accepted before the start of the school year or within the first 2 weeks of school.

  • Spring semester: Applications will only be accepted 2 weeks before the December holiday break.

  • At the end of the school year, you may submit an application for the following school year to secure a spot.

Disenrolling Process:

  1. A parent/guardian may request their child 's return to in-person learning at anytime. 

  2. Parent/guardian must contact their child's supervising teacher & request disenrolling their child from independent study.

  3. The supervising teacher will notify the school's registrar & site principal of this request.

  4. Within 5 school days of request the parent/guardian will be notified by the registrar of their child's new class schedule.

A student may be disenrolled from the independent study program for chronic absences/disengagement as determined by an Evaluation Meeting.


  1. If a child has participated in our independent study program within the semester & chose to return to in-person, their request to re enroll into independent study must be done at semester. 

  2. For reenrollment the enrollment process above must be followed.

Independent Study Courses & Introduction Videos

Weaverville Elementary School Courses

image of wes independent study courses

Trinity Preparatory Academy Courses

image of tpa courses

WES/TPA Independent Study Teacher

Mrs. Tori Geist

"I chose independent study because my son was adopted and did not have a stable first five years. He had been in many foster homes. I felt like bonding, love and security were most important for him in his young life. Independent study allowed us one on one time together. It was the perfect solution for our family. Independent study through Weaverville Elementary School is perfect for our family. They are there for us when we need help working through the daily challenges of school work. Mrs. Geist has been a blessing in her patient caring ways. I highly recommend this for those wanting to be involved in their children's learning years." - M.V.


Please know that we are here to support your family and your success. 

Helping you accomplish your goals is our priority!